— eCentral Living Lab Platform —

eCentral pilot actions serve to test applicability of three innovative financing models: energy performance contracting, public-private partnership and crowdfunding for (re)construction of public buildings in accordance with the nearly zero energy standard. As nZEB standard can be reached with different types of technologies and equipment leaders of pilot actions in Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia were required to find cost optimal solutions for reaching this standard and to demonstrate its long-term cost-effectiveness.

Piloting of different financing models also included assessments of actions in all key stages of their development:

  1. Conceptual phase – feasibility studies
  2. Main project design
  3. Monitoring and verification of (re)constructed buildings

Technical differences between these three project stages were recorded for selected buildings, including reasons for changes of equipment and development approaches. Since not all pilot actions have reached the third (final) stage of development, projections for further expected development were given. In cases where building has not reached an nZEB standard a proposition on additional technical interventions which are needed for it to become one were made.

Living Lab stories were additionally made to record experiences and future recommendations of project developers which were directly involved in implementation of pilot actions in Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia.

List of documents:

Living Lab story – Croatia (D.T3.4.4)

Authors: REGEA, City of Sveta Nedelja
Key words: Public Private Partnership, nZEB
Who could find it useful: Public authorities

Experiences from the process of construction of Kindergarten Slavuj in Sveta Nedelja were including major obstacles, milestones and recommendations to other project developers interested in using PPP model for construction of nZEB public buildings.

Technical report on nZEB pilot action – Croatia (D.T3.4.5)

Authors: REGEA, City of Sveta Nedelja
Key words: nZEB
Who could find it useful: Public authorities

Report is focusing on technical aspects of pilot actions (energy efficiency and renewable energy measures) needed for reaching nZEB standard of three new public buildings in Sveta Nedelja, Marija Bistrica and Stupnik.

Living Lab story – Slovenia (D.T3.4.4)

Authors: KSSENA, Municpality of Velenje
Key words: Crowdfunding, nZEB
Who could find it useful: Public authorities

Experiences from the process of energy renovation of Lifelong Learning Centre – Ljudska Univerza in Velenje, including major obstacles, milestones and recommendations to other project developers interested in using crowdfunding model for reconstruction of public buildings in accordance with nZEB standard.

Technical report on nZEB pilot action – Slovenia (D.T3.4.5)

Authors: KSSENA, Municipality of Velenje
Key words: nZEB
Who could find it useful: Public authorities

Report is focusing on technical aspects of pilot action (energy efficiency and renewable energy measures) needed for reaching nZEB standard of Lifelong Learning Center building in Municipality of Velenje.

Living Lab story – Hungary (D.T3.4.4)

Authors: 18th District of Budapest, Energiaklub
Key words: Energy Performance Contracting, nZEB
Who could find it useful: Public authorities

Experiences from the process of energy renovation of Vackor kindergarten in 18th District of Budapest, including major obstacles, milestones and recommendations to other project developers interested in using EPC model for reconstruction of public buildings in accordance with nZEB standard.

Technical report on nZEB pilot action – Hungary (D.T3.4.5)

Authors: 18th District of Budapest, Energiaklub
Key words: nZEB
Who could find it useful: Public authorities

Report is focusing on technical aspects of pilot actions (energy efficiency and renewable energy measures) needed for reaching nZEB standard of three public buildings in the 18th District of Budapest.

Report on pilot actions (D.T3.4.7)

Authors: EASt, REGEA, KSSENA, Energiaklub, EURAC, BP18, Sveta Nedelja, Municipality of Velenje
Key words: Public Private Partnership, Energy Performance Contracting, Crowdfunding
Who could find it useful: Public authorities

This report provides information about applicability of innovative financing schemes (Public Private Partnership (PPP), Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) and Crowdfunding (CF)) in all three pilot regions. This report captures results from the overall testing process which also includes policy and market analysis with key implementing stakeholders in each pilot country.

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